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StarBrite Colors Canary Yellow

Status: Incompletely Characterized



Pigments: C.i. 11741, C.i. 77891


Other Ingredients: Water, Glycerol, Isopropyl Alcohol


Average Particle Size: TBD


Elemental Composition: Currently under analysis. Older data for a similarly labeled ink is available from Forte et al., Sci. Tot. Environment, 2009, 407, 5997


(values in ng/g unless otherwise stated)

Aluminum (428 ± 36 μg/g)

Barium (10.3 ± 0.6 μg/g)

Cadmium (45.4 ± 2.0)

Cobalt (24.5 ± 1.1)

Chromium (1900 ± 129)

Copper (0.806 ± 0.066 μg/g)

Iron (43.3 ± 2.4 μg/g)

Mercury (128 ± 6)

Manganese (1339 ± 101)

Nickel (429 ± 34)

Lead (105 ± 8)

Antimony (107 ± 7)

Strontium (4.03 ± 0.31 μg/g)

Vanadium (135 ± 10)


Major FTIR peaks: TBD


Mass(es) of Major Molecular Components: TBD

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